(Durkheim, Weber, C. Wright Mills, Pareto, Robert K. Merton, Talcott Parsons)
(Famous Sociologists)
(Conformists, Innovators, Retreatists, Rebels) (Robert K. Merton's typology of deviants)
(Ectomorph, Endomorph, Mesomorph) (Sheldon's classification of body types or somatypes)
Ectomorphs are skinny with lower muscle mass. They are likely to be long-distance runners, tennis players, and gymnasts. Endomorphs have above-average muscle mass and a medium frame. They are most likely your classic athletes. Mesomorphs are stocky and thus, have a higher body fat percentage than the other somatypes. They are larger built and more likely to be football players and weightlifters. However, most athletes are not mesomorphs.
(Adaptation, Integration, Goal-attainment, Latent pattern management)
Parsons' Functional Imperatives for a society. The economic and political systems refer to adaptation.
(Symbolic interactionism, Conflict theory, Functionalism) (Famous sociological theories)
Symbolic interactionism looks at the micro as in everyday social interactions and how we make meaning of them. Conflict theory looks at the struggle between the haves and have-nots and is an offshoot of Marxian theory. Functionalism views society as having elements that contribute to its stability. For example, a functional view of stratification is that it helps
separate jobs based on specialization, knowledge, and education needed for attainment.
(Efficiency, Uniformity, Control, Calculability) (Elements of McDonaldization)
Control refers to the implementation of technology in order to regulate the production and delivery of a product. Ferrante Sociology states one of them as quantification instead of calculability. Quantification or calculability refers to the measures that enable a customer or employee to quickly evaluate a product or service by some objective standard. Uniformity and efficiency tie into mass production of goods.
(Traditional, Rational-legal, Charismatic) (Forms of authority)
Traditional authority refers to how empires and kingdoms operated while rational-legal authority refers to modern democracies. Charismatic authority involves a person with exceptional or unique qualities who is magnetic and sways the populace to act in a certain way. It is more likely to emerge in a time of flux or chaos.
(Value-added, social contagion, convergence, emergent norm)
(Theories about social movements)
(Abnormal, Cognitive, Developmental, Social) (branches of Psychology)
(Narcissistic, Histrionic, Dependent, Avoidant, Antisocial) (types of personality disorders)
(Availability, Representativeness, Affect, Anchoring and Adjustment)
(types of heuristics or shortcuts)